Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Installing SOAPpy on Python on Windows

Download the latest official release from http://pywebsvcs.sourceforge.net
(Alternatively, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SOAPpy )
Extract it.
In the command prompt navigate to the folder that you extracted the SOAPpy.
python setup.py install
press ENTER.

If you get an "SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file" error, then find the Client.py, Server.py and Types.py files.
Locate the given lines in all 3 py files:

ident = '$Id: Server.py,v 1.21 2005/02/15 16:32:22 warnes Exp $'
from version import __version__
from __future__ import nested_scopes

and cut the "from __future__ import nested_scopes" lines and paste it above of the "ident =" line, as below.

from __future__ import nested_scopes
ident = '$Id: Server.py,v 1.21 2005/02/15 16:32:22 warnes Exp $'
from version import __version__

Save the files and re-execute the
python setup.py install
command. It should work.

PS: Blogger Wes said...
In 0.11.6 I had to update GSIServer.py, as well.


Tobi Lehman said...

Thank you, I've been struggling with this for a few hours, I appreciate the post!

Wes said...

In 0.11.6 I had to update GSIServer.py, as well.

springrider said...

Great appreciate! It helps me!

venommax said...

thanx a ton

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot....U saved my time

Unknown said...

thanks a lot!!!!!!!!

rcasca said...

Great. Thanks a lot.